River Run Dry

From my point of view, I see human growth as a positive event that naturally occurs many times throughout a person's lifetime. In order for growth to occur, some type of change must be present as well. In my experience, the idea of change is understandably intimidating because it means stepping into the great unknown. I want to explore with you the idea that growth is a natural state of humans, that you are either growing or rotting, and ways that I have personally found to navigate growth in life!

Are You Growing or Rotting?

Metaphorically speaking, in my experience, we are in one of two states in life; growing or rotting. This means we are either bettering ourselves as individuals and experiencing growth (no matter how small) or we are stagnant and rotting. Take a tomato on a tomato plant for example. As long as the tomato is on the plant, receiving nourishment, and growing, it continues to become a better version of itself. The tomato becomes larger and ripens. However, the minute the tomato falls off of the plant and ceases to grow is the minute it begins rotting because it is no longer working towards a goal.

Now, this isn't to say resting automatically means you are rotting. Interestingly enough, I find that rest is a part of growing...an essential part as a matter of fact! 

The Natural State of Humans is Growth

The statement, "The natural state of humans is growth," may not seem possible. How can you possibly experience growth all the time? There are different types of growth that we can go through including physical, mental, and emotional. At one point in time, you may find that you are experiencing multiple types of growth and in other times of your life, just one type of growth.

For instance, from the time we are born, we are constantly growing. We learn how to roll over, sit up, walk, and talk. As we advance through childhood we grow and develop with education, sports, etc. As an adult, we experience growth through relationships, marriage, and striving to advance our careers. Every person is different, which means that growth means something different for everyone and that is a beautiful thing! 

Think of life as a river. There are seasons to a river, much as there is with life. Sometimes a river flows faster and other times it flows much slower. In my opinion, this is true in life as well. There are times when you seem to be growing and achieving at a much faster rate and other times that it feels as if you've stalled out (even though you haven't). There are parts of the river that are wide and others that are narrow. You may encounter rapids, falls, and eddies as navigate the river, which can be compared to the obstacles we face in life. I strongly believe that growth is our river. 

Can You Stop Growth?

Have you ever tried to really stop a river? I mean truly stop it from flowing? Sure, you can create a dam, divert the water, or even take the water out. But, you aren't actually stopping the river, you are changing its course. The same is true in life. I truly believe our natural state is growth. We can go dry and dormant, but when we do so, we stop giving energy to life. You can change the way you are growing or even the rate at which you grow, but in my experience, it is hard to stop growth, just as it is hard to stop a river.  

Status Quo is Not Static

I would like to introduce the idea that a status quo is very difficult to maintain. Let that sink in for a minute. Think about how hard it is to keep things in your life from changing; whether it be your children growing up, a friend moving away, change in management at work, etc. In my experience, it is tough to keep circumstances in your life in a box. I have found that it is a choice to attempt to stop the river of life. It is much harder to dam a river, just as it is to prevent growth. In my life, I find peace when I lift the dam and let growth take its natural course. 

The Remedy?

The bottom line is that if we aren't flowing, we are dry. We are stagnant and not offering anything to ourselves or those around us. So, what can you do? First, I find it helpful to see it. There is something comforting about realizing that I am like every other human on the planet who struggles with letting go and allowing growth to naturally take place.

Secondly, I strive to understand that it is okay and natural to constantly search for something that is good or better. Whether it be a new house, a car, a better job, or even mending broken relationships. There are endless possibilities as to the things that people can search for to better their lives and the lives of those around them. 

Listen to the call for growth and embrace it! Make time for it. I'm not saying it has to be your number one priority but try to set aside whatever amount of time is comfortable for you. The best part is that you do not have to learn a bunch of new, fancy tactics to enable your growth. Use whatever tactics have worked in the past for you to make your growth a priority and make sure your river never dries up. 

Can't Manage People

Wash One Fork