Can't Manage People

Have you ever thought about how it makes you feel when someone tries to manage you? I for one, do not like to be managed or controlled. I strongly believe that we all value freedom to some degree. Every time I have tried to manage people, whether it be staff, friends, or even family, it's never felt good. It feels like a form of manipulation, which I have found is not the way to bring out the best in the people around me. This is where the concept of "Don't Manage People, Manage Processes" comes into play. 

Instead of Managing People...Lead Them

In my experience, I get much better results when I lead people and manage processes. For instance, many employers make excuses for not getting rid of underperforming employees such as, "He has been with me for 5 years," or "Her mom just died". As soon as COVID-19 hit, these were the first employees to go. You see, the companies were letting emotions play a part in their decision-making. All they needed was an outside reason to let them go and they were gone. The employees who stayed were the people they said they would never let go of. This is an example of managing and not leading. 

Managing Processes

I have found that managing processes and taking emotions out of it is a much better way to step up and be a leader. Now, my processes are not made for robots. I believe in leaving room for creativity and putting values first. People over profit and valuing each person for who they are. For instance, when it comes to deciding who should stay and who isn't the right fit for a company, you can use a process. Checklists are a great way to go. Are A, B, and C being met? If not, determine why. Perhaps the issue can be fixed. If the problem can't be solved, it may be time to part ways. The difference is that you've used a process and taken emotions out of it.  

Here's What I Do

I want my team to be happy and enjoy what they do. I conduct a weekly assessment of how each person is feeling about the tasks they are currently working on. I use color codes. Green means they love the task and could do it forever. Black means they don't hate it, but it is not something they want to work on long-term. Red means they absolutely hate it and do not ever want to do it again. We almost never hit red. If we do, I stop everything and fix it immediately because I believe peoples' happiness is important and that they thrive when they are doing something they enjoy. 

There is a fourth color, Purple. This is what a person aspires to do. For instance, if someone does secretarial work but wants to be in graphic design. I try and find ways to help them achieve this aspiration. 

Leaders Help People Discover Themselves

I believe that true leaders not only discover people (through the hiring process) but help them continue to grow and discover themselves. I have found that people are comfortable in a box, but do not really want to be there. For instance, if everyone was comfortable in a box, there wouldn't be a culture of TGIFs and I Hate Mondays. 

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it's that we do not need a box. We've learned that we can work from home, on regular schedules, etc. In my opinion, being a leader is about guiding those around you and letting them choose their path. Clearly define expected outcomes and then let them choose how to get there. This brings us full circle to you can't manage people, you can manage processes!


River Run Dry