Riot or Revolution?

With everything that we see going on in the world around us, it raises an interesting question. Do you see riots or revolutions? It is all about perspective. I for one, see revolutions taking place. What personal riots and revolutions have you gone through in your life?

The Outside World is a Reflection of Ourselves

The Law of Correspondence tells us that how you perceive the outside world is a reflection of the things you have going on within you. I believe that we, as humans, have a natural instinct to move away from pain and towards things that bring us pleasure. There is no doubt that we witness plenty of violent imperfections during our lives. These actions aren't necessarily the ideal way to invoke change but may be what it takes to make much-needed change come about. 

I strongly believe that riots and revolutions are a form of growth for many facets of our life including our personal lives and our careers. 

When is Enough, Enough For Us?

What are our personal riots, revolutions, and violent imperfect actions? What is worth showing up for? What it means to show up for other people and ourselves is different for everyone. It is a personal journey and no two people will share the exact same path. 

Who do you listen to? For me, I listen to my inner voice. It is how I stay true to myself. I have found that it is difficult to trust the printed word. After all, anyone can write and publish anything in seconds, whether there is an ounce of truth to it or not. My inner voice tells me what is worth showing up for and how I feel that I can best show up. 

For instance, I used to live in New Orleans. This is a city that is known for having a high crime rate. Someone was shot two doors down from us. We had rocks thrown at our door because I reported an incidence of abuse. For me, this was a moment of personal riot. I became uncomfortable enough and decided it was worth showing up for myself and my family. My personal revolution is that we moved to a safer city. 

When is enough, enough? What makes you so uncomfortable that you feel compelled to put fear aside for a moment and enact your own personal revolution or riot. 

Are Entrepreneurs Natural Leaders?

Surprisingly, entrepreneurs only make up about 7% of the world's population. This is a category of people that are known for creating something from nothing. The other 93% of the population are employees. It takes all different types, and I by no means think that there is anything wrong with being an employee. 

This does raise the topic of whether entrepreneurs are natural leaders? This small group is well-accustomed to stepping out on a limb and trying things that no one has ever done before. In my opinion, it makes us entrepreneurs well-equipped to have a voice and know how to use it.   

Food for Thought

As we move down the path of our journey, I want to continue to explore the concept of riot or revolution. We can go through many riots and revolutions in our lives...and that is a good thing! How does your outside world reflect the things that are going on inside of you? What makes you step up and go through your own riots and revolutions? I find it helpful to take time to think about what I need to keep growing and improving as an individual. 

Star Side, Shadow Side

Pointing-and-Calling Productivity Hack