Fear of Missed Potential (FOMP)

We visionaries have decided to take a lot of chances in life. Some of these chances have resulted in phenomenal outcomes beyond our wildest dreams, while others may have been successful but fallen short of our expectations...and that is life. I believe that we all have an amazing gift. And that deep down I we have a strong "fear of missed potential" or as I like to call it for short, FOMP.  

Will I Miss My Potential? 

I often hear the quiet question in my head, "Will I be able to live my full potential, or will I miss it?" Like most fears, FOMP can be overwhelming and feel big, big enough to try to drown it out, push it aside, ignore it. I believe that we feel the call to be great. You know that it is in you, but yet you still worry that you will not be able to live up to it. It can be an all-consuming fear that you have a gift for the world that you will never share. This is ties in with the Hero's Journey. 

Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey asks the question, "Will you make it through the dark night of the soul, or will you sit on its edge for eternity?" In my opinion, the notion is whether or not you will take the steps necessary to fill your potential, or if you will always sit on the precipice thinking about what you could have done. 

Close to Our Fingertips

I have found that as we begin to fulfill our potential, our potential greatness becomes within fingertips reach. I have learned with myself as an entrepreneur as well as with other visionaries that we tend to have many ideas and dreams. I believe that it is natural to always want to achieve more. For me, this is a part of my growth. However, I have also come to realize that we just can't do it all. I hear all the time sayings such as, "I could have done it, If I'd only done x, y, and z". I have to remind myself that there is a time and a place for everything and if it isn't happening right now then it isn't mine at this moment. 

Finding a Balance

These are things I tell myself that help me find balance when I begin feeling the pressure of FOMP:

  • I've done a lot of great things.

  • I've taken a lot of chances in life.

  • I will always create, it is part of who I am.

  • What I do and how I show up is already a lot. I live my message every day.

  • I am good enough and there is nothing else I must prove to myself or the world.

Combatting FOMP

I am human and from time to time FOMP still tries to take hold. I have a few strategies that I use to help combat this fear. I strongly believe this fear is rooted in the fear of failure or, sometimes, success. Here is how I take action:

  • I write most of my ideas, thoughts, questions, goals, dreams, etc. down. 

  • I share my ideas and dreams with others. 

  • I keep the ideas that I'm really excited about, in front of me, so that I will see them every day.

  • I bet on myself...every single time. Even if it doesn't play out like I thought it would, I still recognize the value it has to me.

Experiencing the fear of missed potential is a natural and scary part of growth. I believe that we are all capable of greatness and letting our light shine through in our own unique way.

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Pulled By Purpose